ods2latex [options] odsfile [outputfile] |
-f,--format=STR | output format, one of: |
ctable longtable longtablex |tabs| is the default. | |
-s,--specs=STR | column specs, space separated, last one repeated |
as needed. default: C for tabulary, else X , if possible, else c . | |
-c,--caption=STR | set caption to STR |
-l,--label=STR | set label to STR |
-i,--info=CODE | CODE=clfs12 says: caption, label, format and specs |
in row 12 (default 1), in that order | |
-a,--article | create compilable article document |
-r,--rotate | rotate the printing page to landscape |
-t,--thinrules | separate rows with thin rules |
-h,--help | print this help and exit |
-v,--verbose | set verbosity one level higher |
-V,--version | print version and exit |
caption | a caption to be placed on top of the table |
label | a label used to reference the table. |
specs | column specifications for the table (c l r et cetera) |
format | format of the table (tabular , ctable , longtable and more, |
see --help ) |
Using these parameters, ods2latex converts each sheet into a LaTeX table. The output appears on standard output or on the specified output file and can optionally be surrounded by a preamble and a postamble such that the result can be compiled with LaTeX.
format, a bar (|
) is used as a separator between the lines, for LaTeX formats the string \\
is used, and the resulting line is surrounded by \Tbl{...}
. For proper compilation, the macro \Tbl
should be defined as: \def\Tbl#1{\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}}#1\end{tabular}}
columns are detected in the column specification, then the X‘s will be prefixed with >{\H{0.nnn}}X
, where 0.nnn
is the reciprocal of the number of X-columns. This is to make it easy to adapt the width of each X-column by manual editing. Note that the sum of all 0.nnn should be (about) 1. For proper compilation, the \H
macro must be defined as:
, can be specified in two different ways:
the value needed; for example: ods2latex myodsfile --caption=test --format=ctable --specs='l X'or, shorter:
ods2latex myodsfile -c test -f ctable -s 'l X'
ods2latex myodsfile -c 1,1 -f 1,2 -s 2Note that spreadsheet rows of which one or more cells have been used for format specification will not appear in the output!
--format=STR | |
STR specifies the LaTeX table that will be produced. The section Option specification is applicable for this option. Choices are: | |
tabs | |
This is the only non-LaTeX format: it simply outputs a tab- separated file. Although the other options have no meaning for this format, they may be used to remove formatting rows from the table. | |
tabular | |
Generates the simplest LaTeX table: a tabular environment. The default is to have a c column specification for all colomns. Other specifier can be used, as long as the specifier does not itself contain a space, such as in @{␣} : remember that the space would make this two specifiers: @{ and } . If you want such specifiers, you will have to edit the output. For more information see | |
http://mirror.ctan.org/help/Catalogue/entries/array.html | |
tabularx | |
Generates a table in a tabularx environment. Its width is set to \textwidth . This width is reached by making the last column wider than needed, unless X columns are specified. You will have to adjust the X column width manually by adjusting their >{\H{0.nnn}} prefixes. For more information, see the tabularx documentation: | |
http://mirror.ctan.org/help/Catalogue/entries/tabularx.html | |
tabulary | |
Generates a table in a tabulary environment. Its width is set to \textwidth . This width is reached by automatic adjustment of any C , L , R , and J columns, depending on the contents of the table. For more information, see the tabulary documentation: | |
http://mirror.ctan.org/help/Catalogue/entries/tabulary.html | |
longtable | |
Generates a multipage table in a longtable environment. No X xolumns allowed. For more information see: | |
http://mirror.ctan.org/help/Catalogue/entries/longtable.html | |
longtablex | |
Generates a multipage table in a longtablex environment: the same as longtable, but X columns can be used. For more information see: | |
mirror.ctan.org/help/Catalogue/entries/longtablex.html | |
ctable | |
A ctable-command is generated, which is, effectively, a floating tabular or tabularx . If X column specifiers are detected, the ctable -option width=\textwidth will be added. See the ctable documentation for more information: | |
http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/ctable/ctable.pdf | |
--specs=STR | |
The section Option specification is applicable for this option. STR must contain space-separated column specifiers, one for each column or less. If there are less specifiers than columns, the last specifier is repeated. More specifiers than column result in an error. | |
--label=STR | |
The section Option specification is applicable for this option. If this option is set, a \label{...} statement will appear in the output. | |
--caption=STR | |
The section Option specification is applicable for this option. If this option is set, a \caption{...} statement will appear in the output for floats and longtables. In other cases, the string will be centered on the page, just before the table. | |
--info=CODE | |
When your formatting specifiers are in your ods-file, and you are tired of specifying many options like -c␣1,2 , then this your rescue. An option like -i␣clsf12 is equivalent to -c␣12,1␣-l 12,2␣-s␣12,3␣-f␣12,4 . That is, the values for the options caption , label , specs , format are found in the first four cells of row 12. | |
--article | |
Output an article containing all tables, ready for compilation by pdfLaTeX. | |
--rotate | |
Rotate the paper so that the table is printed in landscape direction. In your final document you can, of course, rotate the table, but rotating the paper is more useful for demonstration purposes. | |
--thinrules | |
Draw thin rules between rows that would otherwise not be separated with a rule. Useful for tables with many multiline cells. | |
--help | |
Print this help, then exit. | |
--verbose | |
Set verbositiy level one higher. | |
--Version | |
Print version, then exit. |
with these contents:
┌─────────┬───────────┬────────┬────────┐ │ mylabel │ mycaption │ ctable │ l X │ ├─────────┼───────────┼────────┼────────┤ │ l │ X │ X │ X │ ├─────────┼───────────┼────────┼────────┤ │ │ head2a │ head3a │ │ │ head1 │ head2b │ head3b │ head4 │ ├─────────┼───────────┼────────┼────────┤ │ │ row12a │ row13a │ │ │ row11 │ row12b │ row13b │ row14 │ ├─────────┼───────────┼────────┼────────┤ │ row21a │ │ │ row24a │ │ row21b │ row22 │ row23 │ row23b │ └─────────┴───────────┴────────┴────────┘
ods2latex will, without any options, produce tab-separated ASCII output:
$ ods2latex test %====== Sheet: Sheet1 5 rows, 4 columns ======= mylabel mycaption ctable l X l X X X head1 head2a|head2b head3a|head3b head4 row11 row12a|row12b row13a|row13b row14 row21a|row21b row22 row23 row24a|row24b
The output is not easily readable, as severall cells are wider than than the 8 spaces for a tab. This cn be solved by piping the output through expand:
$ ods2latex test |expand -20 %====== Sheet: Sheet1 5 rows, 4 columns ======= mylabel mycaption ctable l X l X X X head1 head2a|head2b head3a|head3b head4 row11 row12a|row12b row13a|row13b row14 row21a|row21b row22 row23 row24a|row24b
Apparently, label, caption, table format and colspecs are in the first row of the table. For testing purposes, the colspecs are repeated in the second row, one spec per column. The most complex way to use the information in the first row would be:
$ ods2latex --label=1,1 --caption=1,2 --format=1,3 --specs=1,4 test
However, as the second row is not used, it would appear in the output. So it‘s better to specify the colspecs to be in the second row. Also, the output not be compilable with pdflatex, so it‘s better to add the --article
$ ods2latex --label=1,1 --caption=1,2 --format=1,3 --specs=2 --article test
Skipping rows 1,2 %====== Sheet: Sheet1 3 rows, 4 columns ======= \documentclass[english]{article} \usepackage{ucs}\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage[a4paper,margin=20mm,noheadfoot]{geometry} \usepackage{ctable} \usepackage{babel} \def\Tbl#1{\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}}#1\end{tabular}} \def\H#1{\hsize=#1\hsize\raggedright} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \ctable[ caption={mycaption}, label={mylabel}, width=\textwidth ]{ l >{\H{0.333}}X >{\H{0.333}}X >{\H{0.333}}X }{}{ \FL head1 & \Tbl{head2a\\head2b} & \Tbl{head3a\\head3b} & head4 \ML row11 & \Tbl{row12a\\row12b} & \Tbl{row13a\\row13b} & row14 \NN \Tbl{row21a\\row21b} & row22 & row23 & \Tbl{row24a\\row24b} \LL } \clearpage \end{document}
Using short options would make easier typing:
$ ods2latex -l 1,1 -c 1,2 -f 1,3 -s 2 -a test
But it can be done shorter, by using the --info
(shorter: -i
) option:
$ ods2latex -a -i lcf -s 2 test
If the second row would not be there (you would not normally specify things twice) this could become (note that short options without arguments can be combined):
$ ods2latex -ai lcf -s 2 test
The argument of -i
(here lcf) should normally be suffixed with the row number, but since its default is 1, it can be left out here.
If one often makes use of ods2latex, then it would be wise to adhere to a standard way of placing formatting specifications in the OpenDocument spreadsheet and define an alias. For eample, if label, caption, colspecs and table format are always in the first row, in that order, then add the following line to your .bashrc file:
alias co="ods2latex --info=lcsf"
and run:
$ source ~/.bashrc
(or log out and in again). Now a simple
$ co test -a >test.tex
would be enough to generate a complete latex source.
Finally: one can also refrain from adding extra‘s to the spreadsheet and do it all on the command line:
$ ods2latex --caption='My caption' --label=mylabel --format=ctable \ --specs='l X' --article test
or, shorter:
$ ods2latex c 'My caption' -l mylabel -f ctable -s 'l X' test