Coat of Arms The origin of the
Tissot van Patot
Blue-print author
E.A.Tissot van Patot
This genealogy of the Tissot van Patot family is based on a blue-print that is in the possession of many members of the family. This blue-print, sized 200x90 cm is a copy of a hand-written genealogy made in 1935 by (Elard Albert Tissot van Patot, 1874-1949).
Web site author
Wybo Dekker
I, Wybo Humphrey Dekker, married to Anna Adelheid Beatrix Tissot van Patot, 1941 , have transliterated this blue-print into the web document you are looking at.
GEDCOM source file I did so by:
  • Converting the information that it contains into a GEDCOM file. A reduced version of this file (no living individuals) is available for download ) as accurately as possible, and
  • Creating this page on WebTrees on the basis of this GEDCOM file and available image files and other documents.
  • Extending the genealogy with new information.
Blue-print full size (20MB) My transliteration, although performed with care, will certainly contain errors. Therefore, this web site has temporarily been illustrated with fragments of the blue-print where appropriate, so that anyone interested can check the result and, hopefully, provide me with corrections where errors were found. The full blue-print scan, 20MB, is available here. You can also download a lower resolution, but still well-readable version (3MB.)
Coats of arms The picture of the family's coat of arms has been taken from the book Tyssot de Patot and His Work (1655-1738) by Aubrey Rosenberg, Nijhoff, 1972. According to this author, a Notice sur la famille says that these arms sont d'azur à trois tisons en bande de sable, et accôtés et allumés de gueule pas les bouts et par les côtes, dessus l'écusson et au casque ouvert ou cimier sortent trois tisons comme ceux des armes en guise de plumets
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