
plot an arc using user units

xcentr,ycentrfloatuuposition of the center of the arc
radiusfloatuuradius of the arc
anglfloatdegrangle of radius to the start relative to x-axis
arcfloatdegrsize of the arc
linestyleint--see plot


plarc plots an arc, center position and radius in user units. For positive arc, the arc is plotted anti-clockwise. If arc is larger than 360 degrees it is truncated to that value.


plinit PS plarc A4 50 50 "" ""
plaxes 0 0 10 10 70 70 "" "" ""
plrect 0 0 10 10
plset PENDIA 1  plarc 5 5 3  0 400 DOWN
plset PENDIA .5 plarc 5 5 2  0 270 DOWN
plset PENDIA .1 plarc 5 5 1 90 270 DOWN
plframe 5 3


See also

plarcr, plarcm, plarcrm

See also

simplot program plfill plarcr plformat