
draw a box around current plot

distfloatmmdistance between the box and the extremes of the plot
radiusfloatmmradius of the corners


plframe plots a box with rounded corners (radius=radius) at a distance of dist mm of what was plotted since either the start of the plot or since the last call of plframe with dist < 0. If dist < 0, the limits are initialized, but nothing is plotted.


plinit PS plframe A4 0 0 "" ""
plu 50 50 plformat 0 0 tekst1 plframe 2 0 plframe 1 0 plframe -1 0
plu 50 30 plformat 0 0 tekst2 plframe 2 0 plframe 1 0


See also

plformat plarrow plfunc plrotate pltrace plaxes plreserv plhiss plhist plsmooth simplot program plaxfit plpie plot