
return the value of a global variable

nameint--alias for an internal variable to be retrieved


plget delivers current internal values to the user. For name the following values are predefined in simplot.h:
globaldescription \b
ANGLEsymbol plotting direction in degrees
HEIGHTsymbol height in mm
LINESKIPdistance between lines in plformat, in units of symbolheight
OPAQUETEXTTRUE if text is plotted opaquely, FALSE if text is transparant
PENDIAlinewidth in mm
PLOTMODEplot mode (GXxor or GXcopy)
RESOLUTIONresolution in plits per millimeter
VERSIONsimplot version number (print with format %.2f)
XANGLEdirection of the x-axis in degrees
YANGLEdirection of the y-axis in degrees
XCROSSx-coordinate for the intersection of axes to be plotted
YCROSSy-coordinate for the intersection of axes to be plotted
XLOGtrue if an x-axis will be defined logarithmically, else false
YLOGtrue if an y-axis will be defined logarithmically, else false
XPENx-coordinate of the pen in user units
YPENy-coordinate of the pen in user units
XU2Mmm-scaling factor in the x-direction (size of the user unit in mm)
YU2Mmm-scaling factor in the y-direction (size of the user unit in mm)
XU2Pplit-scaling factor in the x-direction (size of the user unit in plits)
YU2Pplit-scaling factor in the y-direction (size of the user unit in plits)
XSIZEpaper size in mm in the x-direction
YSIZEpaper size in mm in the y-direction
EVENT_ASCIITRUE if the last X-event was caused by an ASCII key
EVENT_BUTTONTRUE if the last X-event was caused by a mouse button
EVENT_DOWNTRUE if the last X-event was caused by a key or button being pressed
EVENT_FUNCTIONTRUE if the last X-event was caused by a function key
EVENT_UPTRUE if the last X-event was caused by a key or button release




See also

plfill plfunc plsmooth plloop