
plot arc from current position, relative center in user units

dx,dyfloatuucenter of the arc, relative to the current position
arcfloatdegrlength of the arc
linetypeint--see plot


plarcr plots an arc starting at the current position. The center position is defined user units relative to the current position. For positive arc the arc is plotted anti-clockwise. The pen is left at the end of the arc.

See also

plarcrm, plarcm, plarc


plinit PS plarcr A4 50 50 "" ""
plaxes 0 0 10 10 60 60 "" "" ""
plrect 0 0 10 10 
plu 0 0
plset PENDIA 1  plarcr 3 3 400 DOWN
plset PENDIA .5 plarcr 2 2 270 DOWN
plset PENDIA .1 plarcr 1 1 120 DOWN
plframe 5 3
